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3M™ R610-6 Ultrathon Insect Repellent - (6oz)

3M™ R610-6 Ultrathon Insect Repellent - (6oz)

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6oz (170g) Spray Can

Contains 25% DEET, which provides excellent protection from insect bites for up to 8 hours
Facts have proven to repel mosquitoes, ticks, biting flies, chi, ,, fleas and deer flies
Splash and sweat proof to ensure all-weather protection
Controlled release technology can prevent the effective ingredient DEET from being quickly washed away by sweat or rain. No need to reapply frequently
The formula meets the environmental protection requirements of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) formulated by CARB* in the United States.
3M™ Ultrathon™ insect repellent spray provides protection from Ultrathon™ insect repellent through the convenience of spraying. The insect repellent is designed to provide excellent protection for mosquitoes against mosquitoes that may carry viruses such as Zika virus, West Nile virus and dengue fever, and has a proprietary 3M™ timed release technology that can last for long periods of time against mosquitoes 8 hours of attack. This mosquito repellent is made of polymer and can capture DEET and release it to the skin surface to provide long-term protection for the entire family. Sweat-proof and splash-proof, you can enjoy the fun of outdoor adventure without worrying about frequent reapplication. Give you and your family reliable protection with Ultrathon™ insect repellent aerosol spray. * CARB-California Air Resources Board
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